Learning Journey

Bring together courses, assessments and events to create more engaging and rigorous “Learning Programs” – both virtual & hybrid.

A senior manager looking at his phone seeing the learning journey progress, score and what are the task left of Rosemary

Expand your learning design playbook

Go beyond self-learning courses and create better program designs by threading together multiple learning methodologies

Courses by Elemetrik

Share structured learning inputs virtually

Workshops By Elemetrik

Allow participants to view and register for workshops - virtual or physical

Assessment Exercises By Elemetrik
Assessment Exercises

Enable skill practice through quizzes, case-based exercises or role plays

Move beyond paper & excel
Development Centre

Embed DCs at the beginning or end of Programs for structured skill evaluation

1-on-1 Sessions
1-on-1 Sessions

Provide rich personalized feedback to participants through 1-on-1 sessions

Stand-Alone Videos by elemetrik
Stand-Alone Videos

Leverage videos for orientation or providing program summary at key intervals

Modern engaging interface for participants

Gamified Interface

Bring everything together for participants through a structured & gamified interface

Learning at own pace

Enable participants to go through the Program at their own pace and in their own time

Drive Personalization

Enable participants to focus on content of their interest and skip other steps

Improving the design of your behavioural Learning Programs

Designing an engaging virtual program may require you to think beyond your current LMS templates and design approaches to adopt a wider canvas. Here are some ideas on how to make the design of your virtual programs more engaging and effective.

Run your Programs more smartly

Significantly reduce your program management load through automation

Drag n drop in the platform

Drag-n-drop design

Design a new Program in minutes using the drag-n-drop editor

Everything in one Place

Everything in one place

Find all Program info from list of users to progress data & reports in one place

Smart tracking

Smart tracking & monitoring

Program dashboard and reports to enable 24X7 view of participant progress

Reduce effort on recurring tasks

Reduce effort on recurring tasks

Automate time-taking tasks like sending reminders or managing participant registration for sessions

Talk to an Expert

Have a specific project or use case in mind?

Talk to our experts to understand how Elemetrik can help you.

Go digital with your Assessment & Learning Solutions

A subsidiary concern of Think Talent Services Pvt. Ltd.

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Technical Support: helpdesk@elemetrik.co

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